Sunday, December 26, 2010

Upcoming Events in General Music

As Mrs. Eifler prepares for maternity leave, there will be a couple performances that will be your student's last performance for the year.  The list of dates and times are provided below, please note all performances except the 5/6 festival performance will take place in the Herrera Performing Arts Center.

Third and Fourth Grade - February 9, 2011 - 5:30p.m.
Third grade will be Mrs. Eifler's Recorder Classes
Fourth grade will be Mr. Mac's General Music Classes

K-2 - March 2, 2011 - 5:30 p.m.
Students in Mrs. Eifler's Generla Music Classes will engaged in a musical literacy unit. Your child will be singing, dancing, and playing instruments to a narrated story.

Fifth and Sixth Grade Music Fesitval - March 4, 2011
UPSP (7th St. and Fillmore)
Selected students will be invited to participate in the District General Music Festival.  Students from Mrs. Eifler's class will be singing, dancing, and playing instruments to Tranquil Light, Kid of Hope, and You're a Grand Old Flag.

Kinder First and Second Holiday Performance

The k-2 students of Herrera Elementary School celebrated the ending of the first semester of 2010-2011 celebrating the Holiday Season by singing, dancing, and playing instruments to various tunes of the season.  Please check out a portion of the show below.  Remember if you would like to see the entire show, we are selling DVD's for $5.00!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Herrera Instrumental Music Concert

Third Graders Perform with Band and Orchestra
Last Thursday, December 2, 2010 the third graders performed several holiday selections in the Performing Arts Center.  Once their class performed, students had the chance to listen to their peers in higher grade levels perform on instruments for band and orchestra!  Be sure to check out the performances of the third graders below.